Saturday, September 02, 2006

Left Cochabamba last night and when I went to the bus station and load up on the plush Full Camas bus, there´s a guy in my seat. That´s nothing new so I tell the guy he´s in my set and show him my ticket. Well he pulls out his ticket and it´s the same seat number as mine. Hmm. We go inside to sort it all out and the lady at the counter tells me I bought the Economico bus. Except that his ticket says $40 and mine says $50, which means that I paid MORE MONEY THAN HIM and was ressured at the time of purchase that I had the nice, posh, expensive bus. So I raise hell in the bus station but of course they don´t care, they have my money. Eventually the lady tells me that my bus has already left and if I want to leave Cochabamba, I need to hurry and catch it before it leaves town. I ended up sitting in a seat the size of a baby carseat even thought I paid $50. That´s been kinda the standard down here. Bolivia is undoubtedly the stanky crotch of South America. I honestly think Bolivia is Spanish for "ignorant" or at least slang for it.

This morning the hostel tells me that breakfast isn´t served till 7AM, it was 6:58AM. SO I go to sleep then wake up at 9AM and ask for breakfast. Sorry we stop serving at 8:58AM. Sheesh. The sooner I get out of this armpit called a country the happier I´ll be. I just keep telling myself 2 more days then I´m home free....Chile here I come!

Today I plan on reading, eating lots of food, randomly napping, and generally wasting time away from the animal-like people of Bolivia.´

I´m thinking about skipping the mines and getting the hell outta here tonight.

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